Monday, February 18, 2013


The season of Lent is something that I have observed for the majority of my adult life.  Being a Methodist preacher's kid probably adds to this.

Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter. People tend to "give up" or "sacrifice" something during these 40 days.  In the past, I have given up caffeine, soda - or should I say Coke, or chocolate.  While it may seem a bit silly to do this - it has reminded me that it is a sacrifice for me. 

This year - I'm going down a little bit different route.  This year, I am trying to only drink water.  The sacrifice is that I don't like just plain water.  I like it combined with tea and sugar.  Or with carbonation and sugar and coca cola flavoring.  This is a big one for me.  I will continue to drink milk however.  Can't eat cereal with water.

In the spirit of all honesty, I have had two cups of coffee.  I'm totally okay with this.  

Also, Annie of Annie Blogs fame, did a wonderful roundup of Lent resources.  She also said this:  "You can take the girl out of the Methodist church, but you can’t take the Lent out of the girl, am I right?"

Completely makes sense to me!  Made me smile as well!

Mark Batterson of National Community Church in Washington, DC has another great article for your information.

Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

what i've reading - january & february editions

So I'm a slacker and don't post.  Then I get a wild hair and post twice in one day!

What I read over January & February (so far):

-The Well of Tears: The Dream Stewards by Roberta Trahan - odd book but held my attention
-Chaperoned by Dora Heldt - so funny.  I giggled through the whole thing!
-Rilla of Ingleside - LM Montgomery - #8 in the Anne of Green Gables series - Yes, I did start at the end of the series - but I found the book and got sucked in.  Side note:  Love the name Rilla!
-The All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew - getting ready for our garden!! I am not going to to it exactly like this but definitely using some of his ideas. 

-Garden & Gun - so random that we get this one but the pictures are pretty!
-People Style Watch
-Better Homes & Gardens
-Real Simple

Lots and Lots of Blogs - per usual

Have a great day!

hello february!

Hello to February!!
Hello to making a 96 on my first test in my class!
Hello to warmer days! thank goodness!
Hello to a puppy dog who WILL NOT let us cut her nails.  Seriously, she let us do one and that only happened because we did it while she was asleep.  Needless to say, she woke up! ha!  (and by "we" and "us" - I totally mean the fella)
Hello to a new Bible study - Brave by Angela Thomas
Hello to planning a camping trip with my fella - 
Hello to planning our 2nd anniversary! - less than one month away!
Hello to the Northstar 3 yr old class at 8:30 am!  loving getting back in a Sunday school room - they are so cute!

Happy love month! The fella and I have a rule that we will only spend $10 a piece on Valentine's Day. Last year, I got him a GIANT bag of gummi bears which made his heart so happy.  I have some ideas cooking about this year.  Now to just finding the time to go get it!