Sunday, August 30, 2009

find us faithful

I have spent my evening dreaming and reminiscing.  Dreaming about the future and reminiscing (by the way, I'm very excited I didn't have to look up how to spell that!) about days past.  I've also been listening to a couple of the Songs 4 Life CDs.
Music brings back so many memories.  There were definitely two that came on strong tonight.  Interestingly enough, they both have to deal with YClub memories.  One was Find Us Faithful by Steve Green.  At Christian Life Conference, as seniors in high school (at least in the SouthEast District) you stood and sang this song and then the College/Alumni staff would gather behind you and sing it with you.  Kind of a powerful moment.  I really listened to the lyrics tonight.
The majority of the videos I found on youtube were cheesy but I thought I would post one anyway.

The other was Awesome God by Rich Mullins.  As an officer in the SE District, we walked in at the end of this song and I still get goose bumps at the end of the song.

I don't know how many people can relate to any of this.  I may be rambling.
Have a great week.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August in Review

A friend of a friend does this and i think it’s brilliant. So, I’m gonna use it! Thanks, friend of a friend!

Listening: Lots of TobyMac, Sugarland, and Yancy

Watching: Not a lot because I no longer have cable – so lots of movies!

Reading: finished Ana Karenina in early August now working on Christy

Eating: lots of stuff that I shouldn’t but also yogurt

Drinking: Diet Coke & flavored sparkling water

Wearing: anything to keep me cool – it’s hot in Florida

Lusting after: a super fun ring at Dillards that I just can’t justify buying.

Laughing at: my tiny neighbors and my ridiculous cats

Excited about: Shark Football – I’m so ready for the high school football season to get going!!!!

transferring over

I decided to move over here from another site. whoohoo! i'll be working on it for a while so bear with me