Friday, October 16, 2009

why i love high school football...

i love high school football.  i didn't like it at all when i was in high school but over the last three or four years, it's one of the highlights of my life!  the joys of living in a small town!!

Here are the reasons why i love it so:
1. marching bands (good or bad)
2. excellent people watching
3. everyone in town is there
4. the joy of sitting with the older ladies from my church doing something that is not typically related to old ladies.
5. watching the children of the community goof about and not actually pay any attention to the game.
6. being in this town long enough to actually know some of the players on the team and the cheerleaders.
7. the fact that the concession stand sells things that you wouldn't think of as stadium food - like gumbo, chili and gator tail (welcome to florida!)
8. the announcer who says happy birthday to anyone and everyone whenever there is a lull.
9. at one of the first games i attended here, a dog got loose on the field and they had to stop the game for 15 minutes until they could catch it!
10. the actual football game itself.

enjoy your friday night lights!