Saturday, January 30, 2010

january in review

listening to...the rain - it seems to always rain on the weekends.

watching...harry potter marathon - also, i watched the first two season of the tudors.  henry tudor smiles with his eyes - tyra banks would be proud. the middle of mansfield park by jane austen, finished the lost symbol by dan brown and just starting sense and sensibility by jane austen for my book club. audra's house - it seems she is feeding me a lot these days.

drinking...trying to drink more water and as always - diet coke snuggie - don't knock it.

lusting after...a new vacuum cleaner and a nintendo wii (still)

brainstorming on...names for the new puppy.  see post below!

excited about...PUPPY! and the cake decorating class i am FINALLY getting to take.  mondays at hobby lobby!

getting ready for...vacation bible school!!!  hero headquarters - here we come!!!!

current distraction - my new puppy!!

i went to the humane society on friday - just to look.  i've been contemplating getting a dog for a long time.  needless to say, i fell in love with a litter of puppies.  i picked the most beautiful one (of course!) and she is now snuggling next to me on the couch. 
she is absolutely precious and has been good so far. 

as far as names go - darcy is at the top of the list.  under that is jenny, katie, maggie or rosie.  any opinions would be welcome. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5 things I've learned/realized/know

1. 5th grade girls are hilarious and most of the time they don't realize it.  also, kindergarten girls.
2. no matter how hard i try to remove it, there will always be cat hair somewhere on my person.
3. i don't feel like a grownup even though i only have 4 more months in my 20s.
4. i really do not understand the hype around twilight.  i haven't read the books only because i refuse to buy them.  although, if someone lets me borrow theirs, i wouldn't be opposed to it.  BUT, i don't get the whole vampire love thing.  it's weird.
5. i have way too much music on my computer/ipod.  it's a little ridiculous. and i keep adding more!

Monday, January 18, 2010

today's distraction

I had such a good day today until I got home from work.  I was focused and had a plan for my day.  Part of that plan was to come home, change clothes and go run/walk ala the couch to 5K plan.  Well, it was a little wet on the track and I decided to run on the small dry part.  Well, needless to say I stepped off the edge and fell right in the puddle.  I now have a sprained ankle, two scraped knees that are very sore, and a minor scrape/bruise on the palm of my right hand.  Apparently, I'm not cut out for running.  I sprained this same ankle four years ago during a race. 

On top of all of this, my cell phone fell out of my pocket into the puddle.  At least I have cell phone insurance so i filed my claim online and should be getting my new phone tomorrow. 

I'm just mad at myself.  This is not the best time to be injured. 

I'm done whining now.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

december in review

december was a whirl wind.  i traveled for 1/2 of it and was at home and BUSY for the other half. 

listening to...Angels & Demons on CD (so good!)  and lots of christmas music!

watching...the Santa Clause, the Santa Clause 2, the Santa Clause 3 (that last one stunk by the way)

eating...all the yummy holiday food that was either given or offered to me.

lusting after...a Nintendo Wii new kitchen stuff- pots and pans, food processor, and dishes!

excited about...2010 - it's got to be better than 2009.