Monday, May 3, 2010

the distraction of turning 30

well, i have been 30 now for three days.  i'm still getting adjusted to this fact!  i had a fabulous birthday.  in fact, it might have been one of the best ever.  i felt very loved by family and friends.  it was just a happy day.

i thought a lot about all that happened over the last ten years.  i don't remember all of it but many things did stand out.  i thought i would list the most important ones...

-i worked at summer camp
-i transferred to a smaller college
-i graduated from college!
-i worked at a radio station (& had lots of fun doing it!)
-i got my first children's ministry internship
-i discovered my love for children's ministry
-i moved to texas
-scarlett the wonder cat came into my life
-i discovered that i didn't like to be that far away from everyone i knew
-i became independent
-i moved back to georgia
-i got my first real children's ministry job.
-my papa died.
-i lost my first real children's ministry job.
-i moved to florida
-my grandma died
-lucy came to live with me
-i met, dated, and broke up with my first boyfriend
-i bought a house
-i became a certified christian educator in the United Methodist Church
-met some amazing people
-loved my God
-participated in some awesome Bible studies
-dated some other boys
-fell in love with my tiny neighbors
-sold & bought a car all by myself!
-got my puppy

it has been a busy and adventure filled ten years.  i can't wait to see what God has in store for the next ten! 

april in review

listening to...hillsong united specifically desert song

watching...more gossip girl (this is getting bad)

reading...a little ashamed to say that i jumped on the twilight bandwagon.  i've read the four books but i have to say i'm not consumed by them.  they were weird.

eating...stuff not made at my house - it's been a while since i actually cooked

drinking...sweet tea, diet coke & water new favorite pair of jeans/capris.  1921s - they are great!

lusting after...a beautiful yard that just appears by snapping at it.

brainstorming on...end of the year parties for my weekly programs and VBS

excited about...lots of folks coming to visit over the next couple of months!

thankful for...puppy training at petsmart.  they are helping make darcy a better dog!