Sunday, February 6, 2011

you want to know why i'm crazy

i must be crazy.  this is the only explanation. 

i'm getting married in three weeks and 6 days.  this coming weekend, i am one of two people IN CHARGE of the elementary winter retreat at our conference camp.  there are 312 people registered for this.  so there has been wedding stress and winter retreat stress to add to the crazy.

now we added a spontaneous super bowl get together.  yesterday, the fella and i said, maybe just one extra person could come over.  she's doesn't get fox and is a HUGE steelers fan.  this is the right thing to do.  no biggie.  well, this morning comes around and now there are 6 extra people coming.  to my house. tonight.  craziness.

then we add the fact that we are getting the carpet replaced in all three bedrooms next week sometime.  do you know what this entails??  oh this means i get to move ALL the wedding presents that are being stored/displayed in guest room and everything else that is on the floors of those three rooms to the garage.  i might have had a moment of anxiety yesterday.

i'm going crazy.  that's all there is to it.  at least after this coming weekend, i will only be down to carpet crazy and wedding crazy.

the plus side to all this is that i have a wonderful fiance who is not worried a bit about any of this.  and we will have new carpet in the bedrooms - one of which will hold a brand new bedroom set built by his father (our wedding present!!).  and we have a new mattress that makes all this crazy disappear when i get into bed at night.

the fella is just jealous that i get to sleep on it for the next month and he doesn't! :-)