Saturday, November 13, 2010

this wedding... a big distraction!  a fun one but definitely a big one.  i am really enjoying looking at all the thing we need to decide on but when they all hit at once, it's overwhelming.  

throughout our short time of engagement, God has come through in mighty ways.  i'm continually amazed at the way He is using my talented friends to help me with this wedding.  i've got one friend doing pictures.  another friend making/decorating the cake.  another friend traveling here to do all the flowers.  yet another one coming to do my hair & makeup.  another helping me with the cost of my dress.  God has provided each one and i am soooo thankful. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

saw this on facebook

Please put this as your status if someone you knew was killed by Lord Voldemort or any of his followers. As everybody knows, being killed by a killing curse, having your soul sucked out by a dementor, or getting petrified by a basilisk is a truly tragic fate for anyone; muggle or ...wizard. 93% of people won't reblog this... for they are... already dead. Together, we can stop Voldemort.
this is one of the funnier things i've seen - at least in my opinion!!  really ready for nov. 19th!!! harry potter 7 - here we come!!