Monday, November 30, 2009

november in review (my constant distractions)

Listening to...currently - Enter the Worship Circle - Third Circle & CHRISTMAS MUSIC!

Watching...Elf on repeat

Reading...Emily of New Moon by LM Montgomery (LOVE IT!)

Need to be reading...Stuff for ministry - Orange, Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions

Eating...Christmas party food - it's that time of year!

Drinking...same ole' same ole - diet coke and water slippers (the MOMENT i get home - i wish i could pull them off as real shoes)

Lusting after...Keurig coffee machine (i just can't justify it in my mind but it seems oh so fantastic)

Brainstorming new craft room/exercise room

Excited about...Christmas, clearly & Children's Pastors Conference in January

Getting ready for...traveling and upcoming responsibilities and lessons

Saturday, November 28, 2009

things i'm thankful for (2009 edition) version 2.0

kitty cats
my macbook
family adventures
christmas decorations
diet coke
fuzzy slippers
dominoes (the game - not the pizza)
the nice man at O'Reillys auto parts who changed the battery in my car
emmet otters jug band christmas

Monday, November 23, 2009


Advent packages went out to the children of FUMC today.  I enjoy giving advent gifties because it is something that is not often recognized.  I think that children should learn the importance of advent and what it actually means.  I love advent.  Advent is a season of the church that comes before Christmas.  It is a period of waiting for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.  We prepare ourselves, our hearts, and our homes for the joy that Jesus' birth bring us! 
I encourage you to spend this time of advent learning more about and growing closer to Jesus. God gave us the best gift in all of creation when He sent Jesus to us.  Let's welcome Him into our lives and homes this season and for the rest of our lives!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

things i'm thankful for (2009 edition) version 1.0

new friends
tiny neighbors
cooler weather
clean carpets!
babies on the way (not me - just lots of folks in my life)
new to me furniture

Friday, November 6, 2009

October in Review

I'm a little late on this one...oops.

Listening to... b.reith & lots of randomness on the radio

Watching...All Creatures Great and Small (on Netflix)

Reading...for book club - The Help by Kathryn Stockett
                other reading - Anne of Green Gables series by LM Montgomery made-up version of stir fry (i don't think this is actually how you make stir fry but it works for me!

Drinking...sweet tea snazzy new brown jacket!!

Lusting after...

Laughing at...the random things you deal with when working with children! 

Brainstorming on...Christmas!!!  It's coming!!!

Excited about...putting up my Christmas tree in 13 days!  (yes, that's before Thanksgiving) there is a method to my madness!

Getting ready mission trip to Louisiana next month - UMCOR Sager Brown - have i mentioned that i am the youngest person by at least 30 years going on this trip?  definitely going to be interesting...