Tuesday, March 23, 2010

course 2 and update

i finished my 2nd wilton cake decorating course last night.  in this class, we covered lots of flowers and last night we learned how to do basketweave for the sides of your cake.  now comes the decision of taking course 3 or not.  that one involves fondant and more flowers.  i didn't know if i could justify the cost but dad has graciously offered to help cover those costs.  decisions, decisions...

on another note - darcy is getting so big.  we are headed to the vet this morning for another round of puppy shots.  last visit she was over 13 pounds.  i'm guessing she's between 15 and 18 now.  i'm enjoying her so much and she is a big blessing to me!  i don't have a picture of her in her new snazzy collar yet but don't worry - there will be one soon!

here are a few new pics.

this is darcy and her boyfriend amos (he's a weiner dog).  she clearly is much bigger than him. :-)

laying in the sunshine after a hard day of playing in the back yard.

an oldie but one of my favorites.