Wednesday, November 30, 2011

finishing up...

here's the rest!

15: pizza - any shape or kid or size
16: homemade crab cakes

17: fun nail polish
18: a loving church family
19: husbands coming home from hunting trips!
20: cupcakes
21: my Savior - nothing in this earth would be the same without Him.
22: my calendar - keeps me together
23: a comfy car to drive all over the country in
24: spending Thanksgiving with my family that I don't get to see often.
25: farkle (if you don't know, click here)
26: getting Christmas decorations out!
27: 1st Sunday of Advent - love & thankful for the expectation that comes with the season of Advent
28: dentists that are kind
29: peter, paul, & mary Christmas cd - my favorite!  Here!!!
30: music that I love to listen to - over and over!

i am thankful for so much but it is hard to write it into this little list.
ready to see what december will hold!

Monday, November 14, 2011

so that didn't work...

well that didn't work at all.  i'm sorry.
so here's a list of what i'm thankful for - days 2-14

2: my husband - love of my life and my best friend.
3: my dog - endless source of entertainment and love
4: new boots - they make me happy
5: my family - support & encouragement for life!
6: my health
7: my friends - such a big part of my life - couldn't handle it without them.
8: katie baby - this little person will cheer me up in a heartbeat.
9: my cat - snuggles galore
10: my dad - this is his birthday and he's the best.
11: travel plans - ready to explore the world
12: david crowder band - went to their farewell tour on this day & it. was. amazing. - thankful for the encouragement of this music
13: outdoor movies - especially on nice crisp nights
14: dinner with friends - :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 days of Thanks:: day 1

I have decided - you know, since i haven't posted in 6 months - that I would try my hardest to post every day in November.  And since, it is the month of Thanksgiving, each post would be about thankfulness. 

So, here's day 1::
I am thankful for my home.  It is a place of refuge and rest.  These days, it is definitely a huge blessing in my life.  I am loving settling into it as a married woman.  I bought this house when I was single and it just seems completely different since March.  I love it though.  Even more than that, I love the man and the animals I share it with.