Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September in Review

I can't decide if September has flown by or not but it does all seem a blur.

Listening to...Fellowship of the Ring on Audio CD in my car (almost done!)

Watching...The Vicar of Dibley - ah-mazing!

Reading...anything I can get my hands on but mostly Jan Karon's Mitford Series

Eating...Fried Chicken every Wednesday night because that's what we have at church.  the best fried chicken EVER. Period. End of Story.

Drinking...believe it or not...more water!  and also diet coke.

Wearing...some stuff other than flip flops!

Lusting brown boots - i want flat knee high ones.  and also new floors for my house.

Laughing at...some of the prayer requests I get from the children...I love this part of my job!  For example, this week I prayed for a fish named Snake Eyes, a puppy, a little girl to get wings, and for another little girl's house to turn into a castle so she could be a princess!

Brainstorming on...what to get Dad for his birthday

Excited about...the cooler weather that has FINALLY arrived in Florida.

Peeved about...the wasps that were trying to build a nest in my shutters.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I once again learned the value of preparation as a part of ministry yesterday.  I know that I need to be prepared ahead of the time actually spent with the kids, but for some reason I got REALLY overwhelmed yesterday.  Actually, scratch that.  I have been REALLY overwhelmed for the majority of the week.  Maybe it's the rain, maybe it's not having a space for the children's ministry to call our own, maybe it's just me.  I don't know but I was overwhelmed.

I did let the kids play in the puddles at the church yesterday.  There was no keeping 26 third, fourth, and fifth graders inside.  It wasn't raining but the church yard was flooded.  About four minutes into letting them play in the puddles, the little boys were coming out of their shirts.  Too funny.  
We survived the TruthWalkers and then had some INCREDIBLE fried chicken for dinner.  Then we started our practice for our Children's Sabbath, which will be held on October 11th.  This is where the kids will be running the service.
**side note - what do you say to a woman who comments, "I always skip that service."??**
Practice was a disaster.  I was not prepared and I was ill.  Totally my fault that I couldn't get control of the kids.  There was one injury and one pouty sourpuss and about 12 wild hooligans.  Needless to say, I learned my lesson.  Wednesdays come whether I like them or not.  Preparation is key.

Picture from here.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


In a small turn of events, I will be starting the Disciple Bible Study tomorrow evening.  This will be an online study and I am really excited about it.  If you are interested in this, visit

I was originally registered for a different group on Monday nights and was told that one couldn't happen.  After my utter disappointment, I had decided to just get a refund and attempt to find a study somewhere else.  God pulled through and so I will be starting tomorrow!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

great quote

I'm watching Evan Almighty and was just reminded of a great quote.

"When you pray for patience, God doesn't give you patience.  He gives you the opportunity to be patient.  When you pray for courage, God gives you the opportunity to be courageous."

I like this movie.

Have a great Labor Day.